In the winter, the paths around here are muddy hazards. Especially if we are leading a goat (
Falcon) up to the milking area. They like getting to the stanchion as soon as possible so they pull as hard as they can, sometimes even choking themselves. This makes for a lot of falling and accidents.
So Ed and I are thinking we need gravel paths. Thing is, Ed wants to buy gravel, but I don't want to have to
buy rock when we have so much laying around. So I've decided to try to build paths out of what we have on hand. Since I have started challenge to
rid the garden of slugs--this means that I will need to move a lot of rock from the gardens anyway.
I started by using my new mini tiller to loosen up the soil for a pathway. |
Then dug some slightly deeper areas, where I placed the largest of the rocks I could find.
On top of the large rocks I will place medium size rocks, and then rocks that get progressively smaller.
Guy and the dogs are helping and playing with a toy that Aunt Grace got for Guy. Sorry, Grace, the dogs popped it but they are still having lots of fun!
Anyway, the path is pretty rickety, but I am hoping that the clay soil will help stabilize them over time. I'm hoping it will eventually look like a dry river bed (which I'm pretty sure this property was originally anyway). Will keep you posted on whether this was a good idea or not. |
Hi Amy, I could barely recognize it until you mentioned that it popped. LOL I'm glad Guy is having fun. I bet he loves helping move rocks. I think this is a great idea. And he is SUCH A CUTIE PIE!!!!
Have you considered wood chips from the tree trimmers? I know around here you can get them to dump a load at no charge.
Yeah, we have a pig pile of them but they get muddy so quickly!
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