My blog is now permanently located at: www.MySuburbanHomestead.com I'm a stay-at-home mom learning about all manners of the self-sufficient lifestyle: vegetable and fruit gardening, pest control (especially slugs) keeping livestock (chickens, goats, ducks, rabbits), parenting, inexpensive and responsible living.
I'm enjoying your methodical approach to slug destruction!
This is the video on YouTube showing a slug electric fence
Unfortunately my beds are in the ground, not raised, so I don't think that will help me much!
That video is interesting. My gardens are huge, so that may be impractical for me, because it would take so long to get a fence built and wouldn't do anything for the slugs already in the beds. However, if I were to put up a fence, destroy all the slugs inside.... well, that could work fairly well. I may revisit that option in the future.
If I were still in the city, with significantly smaller garden, I would give this serious consideration.
Same here. I have 5 3x16 beds in the ground and a 4x8 raised bed, and I plan to expand a bit next year. Slugs are definitely my biggest problem here.
Egg shells are a no go eh? Well now we know. And no wonder the DE didn't work.
Egg shells do deter slugs, but not enough to stop them going for food.
I love the fact you have experimented and published the results, but you are not using controls.
So, had you put some lettuce not surrounded by egg shells, then the slugs could have gone for that instead.
That is sort of the dilemma gardeners face when using egg shells, but it does work, just what do you sacrifice?
Quite a lot use multiple techniques at once, so beer traps and egg shells. Is yeast a greater attractor than a succulent leaf surrounded by egg shells? That's the sort of question.
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